The Diary of Jane

The Diary of Jane – Breaking Benjamin 选自《Phobia》专辑



2004是Breaking Benjamin应该纪念的一年,他们的第二张专辑We Are Not Alone在当年取得了相当出色的成绩,让人对这支默默无闻的乐队刮目相看,专辑更是留下了两首上榜单曲,从此Breaking Benjamin从一支二三流的摇滚团体成为了可以说是一流的团体,Breaking Benjamin的应该我们可以简单的定义为是后grunge音乐(希望他有一个中文名字),他们的新专辑Phobia是后grunge音乐最好的教材,他是一张非常典型的后grunge专辑,每首歌曲都有着一个很黑暗的背景,歌曲的高潮是这首歌曲的制高点,上扬的歌声同时代有非常好听得旋律,所以后 grunge是一种非常电台化的音乐,专辑第一主打歌曲The Diary Of Jane在六月份开始在全美电台播出,终于登上了Billboard的单曲榜,他完全符合后grunge的特色,优美旋律,哪怕是在有些疯狂的音乐背后,到了高潮的时候,整首歌曲的光芒就被完全释放出来了,是专辑中第一值得推荐的歌曲。取名为Phobia的这张新专辑没有任何一首让人失望的歌曲,每首作品都完全证明了Breaking Benjamin的音乐实力,两年的时间中他们为新专辑创作了一系列将成为他们最佳作品的音乐,无论Breath还You,还是专辑的其他的歌曲。 Evil Angel中我除了对vocal有着不错的感觉,对于歌曲中的吉他演奏我也非常喜欢,虽然有些让我想起其他的歌曲,Until The End中你可以找到不同的节奏,更加跳跃的节奏,更加catchy的vocal。这样的专辑中自然不能少了一首抒情慢歌,确切得说是慢歌,毕竟每首歌曲都是抒情歌曲,Here We Are就是这么一首慢歌,只是欠缺了让人能注意的地方,Phobia也像许多的说唱专辑一样加上了intro和outro,并在最后送上了 acoustic版本的The Diary Of Jane,这两个版本的The Diary Of Jane有着各自让人喜欢的元素,如果听厌让人耳朵受不了的这张专辑,听听这个版本的The Diary Of Jane算是一种放松运动,毕竟他在旋律上并没有改变什么。

《The Diary Of Jane》歌词:
if i had to
i would put myself right beside you
so let me ask
would you like that?
would you like that?
and i don’t mind
if you say this love is the last time
so now i’ll ask
do you like that?
do you like that?
something’s getting in my way
something’s just about to break
i will try to find my place in the diary of jane
so tell me how it should be
try to find out what makes you tick
as i lie down
sore and sick
do you like that?
do you like that?
there’s a fine line between love and hate
and i don’t mind
just let me say that i like that
i like that
something’s getting in my way
something’s just about to break
i will try to find my place in the diary of jane
as i burn another page
as i look the other way
i still try to find my place in the diary of jane
so tell me how it should be
desperate, i will crawl
waiting for so long
no love, there is no love
die for anyone
what have i become
something’s getting in the way
something’s just about to break
i will try to find my place in the diary of jane
as i burn another page
as i look the other way
i still try to find my place
in the diary of jane


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